Thread: VBS virus help

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  1. #1

    VBS virus help

    Lo, I really dont know where to post this but this board should be most related to my question.
    I discoverd some time a go that I had a virus, i think the i love you virus, because it turned my mp3's from bla.mp3 to bla.mp3.vbs (or something) Now it really doesnt bother me too much, The are still some parts of the virus on my system in the registry but I killed most of it. But I was wondering, what kind of type is .VBS ?
    Visual Basic? I really dont know, i saved 2 .vbs files to view them later, but first I gotta know, what language .vbs is.
    Please help me.

  2. #2
    Registered User The15th's Avatar
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    .vbs is V.B Script. it is a scripting language used for the net that was derived from Visual Basic. Yes it could be the I love you bug because i herd it was written in Vb Script.
    arrh, i got nothing good to say.

  3. #3
    train spotter
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    If you have activated the virus, ie opened the attachment that contaned the virus then I think all your mp3's are gone.

    PS You have probably sent it to all the people on your address book. I would mail them to say sorry and don't open that attatchment.

    Two things come to mind here

    1. Why does the M$ program that is so expoloited not offer little more secutity ie ASK before mailing to ALL the entries in the book?

    2. With so many viruses out there why do people still open them? Never, ever open an attachment especially if it is from someone you know UNLESS you asked them to send it.
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  4. #4
    Hmmm...Why does it change MP3's to .vbs? Has anyone ever tried changing the .vbs back to an mp3? Is it still playable? has anyone tried to open it up in notepad?
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  5. #5
    Registered User The15th's Avatar
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    i have never had one of these .vbs viruses on my pc before but something tells me that they are not going to be written buy someone who is able to change the .mp3 so it doesnt work in an audio player. all im guessing that it is doing is renaming the file from .mp3 to .vbs, kinda lame if that is it but it would be annoying for your winamp play list's. Opening it up in notepad i think would be faily pointless, because if it didnt freeze your computer because notepad had too many characters to read, it would read in a whole bunch of garbage, like any .mp3 would.
    anyway thats my thoughts. Cya's
    arrh, i got nothing good to say.

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    It overwrites all mp3s with it's own source. You can't exactly play them after that!
    // Gliptic

  7. #7
    &TH of undefined behavior Fordy's Avatar
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    >>1. Why does the M$ program that is so expoloited not offer little more secutity ie ASK before mailing to ALL the entries in the book?

    It amazes me how easy it is to enumerate all the entries in an address book with a 2 bit scripting language as VBScript.......

    >>2. With so many viruses out there why do people still open them? Never, ever open an attachment especially if it is from someone you know UNLESS you asked them to send it.

    There are viruses that dont even need to be properly excecuted or even habe the email opened.......damn you preview pane
    :: shakes fist ::

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