I would like to put my WndProc function into a class.

I had it like so when it was just a function

wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) WndProc;

if i do that now i get this error

C:\Programming\Projects\msvc\OpenGL Helper Library\glh.cpp(151) : error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from '' to 'long (__stdcall *)(struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned int,long)'

and if i do it without a typecast

wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;

I get an error like this.

C:\Programming\Projects\msvc\OpenGL Helper Library\glh.cpp(152) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'long (__stdcall glhs::*)(struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned int,long)' to 'long (__stdcall *)(struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned int,long

as you can see the only problem is that its in a class, what can i do?