Hi guys, me again,

I haven't had this error before, but it could be that I haven't used property sheets before.

Basically I need to be able to edit subitems in a reportview listview with about 10 columns (so LVS_EDITLABELS won't do).

I watch for double clicking then I create an editbox with a border around the subitem which I want to edit, but it will only be displayed and in the correct position if I use the listview as the parent when using CreateWindowEx(). If I press 'enter' I've managed to make it accept the text and not skip to the next page in the property sheet by making it multiline, want return and setting up a function which I call using SetWindowLong(). What I can't get to happen is trap 'esc' so when pressed the editing of the subitem is cancelled, it just destroys the listbox (parent of the editbox).

I've tried 'return' ing when receiving the WM_DESTROY message, I've tried using WM_CHAR and (TCHAR)wParam == VK_ESCAPE but it still won't work, I've also tried creating another control that's hidden and using SetParent() to change the parent, but the editbox is still invisible and I can't get it visible.

I'm using Windows XP, Visual Studio, writing in C (I know, outdated, but I won't go into why I'm still using this rather than C++ or vb.net)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
