This script works fine, however, it only scans the directory specified, but not it's sub directorys. How can I get it to do that?

void FindFileExample ()
  WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData;   // Data structure describes the file found
  HANDLE hSearch;			 // Search handle returned by FindFirstFile

  TCHAR szSearchPath[] = TEXT("A:\\Sum_2\\"); 

  BOOL bFinished = FALSE;

  // Create a new directory.

  if (!CreateDirectory (szDirPath, NULL))
	 Error(TEXT("Unable to create new directory."));

  // Start searching for .txt files in the root directory.

  hSearch = FindFirstFile (szSearchPath), &FileData);
  if (hSearch == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		Error(TEXT("No .TXT files found."));

  // Copy each .txt file to the new directory and change it to
  // read-only, if it is not already read-only.

  while (!bFinished)

	if (!FindNextFile (hSearch, &FileData))
	  bFinished = TRUE;

	  if (GetLastError () == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
		Error(TEXT("Found all of the files."));
		Error(TEXT("Unable to find next file."));

  // Close the search handle.

  if (!FindClose (hSearch))
	Error(TEXT("Unable to close search handle."));

Thanks, August.

btw: I have the functions Error() and AddStringToData() allready declared.