I have a problem where my GetDlgItemInt is only returning 0 s. The checks in GetDlgIntmInt are returnings False too. The cide is placed below and I know its not the wrong name of the edit boxes since I have a separate dialog and I am getting the same errors. Please help. Code is pasted below.
 static int *xpoint, *ypoint, PointY, PointX, x, y;
 static BOOL *PointYCheck, *PointXCheck;
						*ypoint=GetDlgItemInt(hdc, PointY, PointYCheck, FALSE) ; // collect data from edit boxes
                  *xpoint=GetDlgItemInt(hdc, PointX, PointXCheck, FALSE) ;
						if(PointYCheck == FALSE){
							MessageBox(hwnd, "PointY is not collected properaly", "Error on Dialog Item", MB_OK);//check for errors
						if(PointXCheck == FALSE){
							MessageBox(hwnd, "PointX is not collected properaly", "Error on Dialog Item", MB_OK);
						xspace=cxClient/30; //calculate the distance in betweent the hashes
                  y=(*ypoint) * yspace ; // calculate co-ordinates
                  x=(*xpoint) * xspace ;
                  if (x <= 0){               //to sepates quadrants correctly
                         x = x + (cxClient/2) ;
						if (y <= 0){
                         y = y + (cyClient/2) ;