I am having difficulty trying to enable the user to 'Back Step' through user supplied values in a dialog box.
If for example the user enters the following coordinates:
1. 100, 100
2. 120 , 100
3. 120 , 120
4. User doesn't enter any values instead user presses 'Back'. This updates the values as I expect and shows coord. 3 {120,120}.
5. User them presses 'Back' agian So it should display coord. 2 but instead it displays the 3rd coord again. Even though the breakpoint shows that it has
changed 'conductor' to 'conductor->prev'.

I've included a picture of the steps to try and clarify.

struct node
	double x; /* DLO coordinate. */
	double y; /* DLO coordinate. */
	double GlassBite; /* Allows custom glass bite per side of polygon. */
	node *next;
	node *prev;
}InputData; /* GLOBAL, All geometric data entered by user. */

INT_PTR CALLBACK GetCoordsProc(HWND hdlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	int nLen = '\0';
	static int counter = 1;
	LPTSTR pUserInput;
	bool bFloat = true;
	char StaticTxt[20], TempTxt[30];
	int RetValue = 0;
	if(root == 0)
		counter = 1;
	switch (message)
        case WM_INITDIALOG:
				/* Set static text in dialog box on the fly. */
				switch (counter)
				case 1:
					sprintf(StaticTxt, "%s", TEXT("1st Coord. Pair"));
					if(bEdit && conductor != 0)
						/* Update user data in edit fields. */
						hctrl = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_EDITX1);
						RetValue = sprintf(TempTxt,"%f",conductor->x);
						SetWindowText(hctrl, TempTxt);
						hctrl = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_EDITY1);
						RetValue =sprintf(TempTxt,"%f",conductor->y);
						SetWindowText(hctrl, TempTxt);
				case 2:
					sprintf(StaticTxt, "%s", TEXT("2nd Coord. Pair"));
					if(bEdit && conductor != 0)
						/* Update user data in edit fields. */
						hctrl = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_EDITX1);
						RetValue = sprintf(TempTxt,"%f",conductor->x);
						SetWindowText(hctrl, TempTxt);
						hctrl = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_EDITY1);
						RetValue = sprintf(TempTxt,"%f",conductor->y);
						SetWindowText(hctrl, TempTxt);
				case 3:
					sprintf(StaticTxt, "%s", TEXT("3rd Coord. Pair"));
					if(bEdit && conductor != 0)
						/* Update user data in edit fields. */
						hctrl = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_EDITX1);
						RetValue = sprintf(TempTxt,"%f",conductor->x);
						SetWindowText(hctrl, TempTxt);
						hctrl = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_EDITY1);
						RetValue = sprintf(TempTxt,"%f",conductor->y);
						SetWindowText(hctrl, TempTxt);
					sprintf(StaticTxt, "%dth Coord. Pair", counter);
					if(bEdit && conductor != 0)
						/* Update user data in edit fields. */
						hctrl = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_EDITX1);
						SetWindowText(hctrl, TempTxt);
						hctrl = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_EDITY1);
						SetWindowText(hctrl, TempTxt);
				/* Get handles to static control to update as it is initialized */
				hctrl = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STATIC1);
				SetWindowText(hctrl, StaticTxt);
        return TRUE;
        case WM_COMMAND:
				case IDBACK:
					if(1 == counter) /* Can't go lower than 1 so beep. */
						MessageBeep (0) ;
						if(conductor->prev != NULL && bEdit) // Check  (root->prev = 0 always) && (first time through bEdit is false)

							conductor = conductor->prev;
							MessageBox(hdlg, "This should change conductor to previous node.", "Previous node.", MB_OK);

							// breakpoint here shows that conductor now equals prev node like I want!!!

						bEdit = true;
						counter-=1; // This is used to make changes to the static control in the dialog box.

						EndDialog(hdlg, IDBACK);
				case IDDONE:
					bEdit = false;
					/* Need to verify that first and last points are equal. **
					** Also need to verify that line segments do not cross. */
					/* Want it to fall through. */
				case IDNEXT:
					/* xcoord 1 */
					hctrl = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_EDITX1);  //(hOwner, hDialogEditField)
					nLen = GetWindowTextLength(hctrl);
					if(nLen > 0) /* If nLen=0 then there is no reason to do the following block! */
						if(0 == conductor->next && counter > 1) /* If the next node is null and not root */
						if(pUserInput = (LPTSTR)malloc(nLen + 1)) //if((LPTSTR)pUserInput = (LPTSTR)new char(nLen + 1))
							int test = GetDlgItemText(hdlg, IDC_EDITX1, pUserInput, nLen+1);
							if(bFloat = ValidateFloat(pUserInput, nLen+1))
								conductor->x = strtod(pUserInput, NULL);
					/* ycoord 1 */
					hctrl = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_EDITY1);
					nLen = GetWindowTextLength(hctrl);
					if(nLen > 0) /* If nLen=0 then there is no reason to do the following block! */
						if(pUserInput = (LPTSTR)malloc(nLen + 1))
							int test = GetDlgItemText(hdlg, IDC_EDITY1, pUserInput, nLen+1);
							if(bFloat) /* If previous was a float check this one. */
								if(bFloat = ValidateFloat(pUserInput, nLen+1))
									conductor->y = strtod(pUserInput, NULL);
									conductor->next = 0;

						MessageBox(hwnd,"Enter a floating point number!", "Error!",MB_OK);
					else  //(bFloat)
						bFileNeedsSaved = true;
						EndDialog(hwnd, IDOK);
					if( (LOWORD(wParam))== IDDONE ) /* check to see if user selected 'Done' */
						/* Need to verify that first and last points are equal. **
						** Also need to verify that line segments do not cross. */
						//MessageBox(hwnd, "IDDONE", "it works", MB_OK);

						EndDialog(hdlg, IDDONE);
					bFileNeedsSaved = true;
                    EndDialog(hdlg, IDNEXT);
                case IDCANCEL:
					MessageBeep (0) ;
                    EndDialog(hdlg, IDCANCEL);
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

void CreateNextNode()
	if(0 == root)
		root = new node;
		CountNew +=1;
		//counter = 1;
		conductor = root;
		conductor->prev = 0;
	if(0 == conductor->next)
		temp = conductor;
		/* Allocate space for variables. */
		conductor->next = new node;
		CountNew +=1;
		conductor = conductor->next;
		conductor->prev = temp;
	conductor->next = 0; /* Set next node to null so nasty ........ doesn't happen. */
	conductor->x = '\0'; 
	conductor->y = '\0'; 
	conductor->GlassBite = '\0';
	return ;