Thread: Trouble recording sound

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Trouble recording sound

    Hi guys,

    hopefully you're not getting sick of me yet. basically, I'm trying to record sound coming in from the line-in socket. I've seen quite a few C++ examples but I haven't seen any C ones and I don't particularly won't to go delving into C++ just for the sake of one thing I want to do. I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 6 Professional edition and running Windows XP SP2.

    Below is the code I currently have. When startRecording() is called, "wim open" is displayed but I'm a bit stuck there, am I supposed to load all the data coming through into memory and if so, how do I go about doing that, I've tried looking through the FAQ, all the forums, on MSDN and I guess I'm just stupid (or very sleep deprived). Basically, once it finished recording I want it saved as a .wav file, but I'll try to figure that out later, baby steps is the key

    By the way, I've used waveInGetDevCaps() to store the data of the input device already.

    /* in sound.h */
    WAVEFORMATEX pcmWaveFormat;
    HWAVEIN m_hRecord;
    /* part of sound.c */
    char buf[512];
    void CALLBACK m_ThreadID(HWAVEIN hwi, UINT uMessage, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2)
    	switch(uMessage) {
    		case MM_WIM_OPEN:
    			sprintf(buf, "wim open");
    		case MM_WIM_CLOSE:
    			sprintf(buf, "wim close");
    		case MM_WOM_DONE:
    			sprintf(buf, "wom done");
    		case MM_WIM_DATA:
    			sprintf(buf, "wim data");
    	MessageBox(NULL, buf, "Debug", MB_OK);
    void startRecording(void)
    	char err[256] = "";
    	int i = 0;
    	pHdr = (LPWAVEHDR) GlobalLock(GlobalAlloc(GHND, sizeof(WAVEHDR)));
    //	if(isPlaying) {
    //		MessageBox(hwndMain, "You are currently playing a file", "Error", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK);
    //		return;
    //	}
    //	if(isRecording) {
    //		MessageBox(hwndMain, "You are already recording a file", "Error", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK);
    //		return;
    //	}
    	isRecording = 1;
    	m_hRecord = NULL;
    	pcmWaveFormat.wFormatTag	= WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
    	pcmWaveFormat.cbSize		= 0;
    	pcmWaveFormat.wBitsPerSample = 16;
    	pcmWaveFormat.nSamplesPerSec = 22050;
    	pcmWaveFormat.nChannels = 2;
    	pcmWaveFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec	= pcmWaveFormat.nSamplesPerSec*(pcmWaveFormat.wBitsPerSample/8);
    	pcmWaveFormat.nBlockAlign		= pcmWaveFormat.nChannels     *(pcmWaveFormat.wBitsPerSample/8);
    	if(i = waveInOpen(&m_hRecord, WAVE_MAPPER, &pcmWaveFormat, (DWORD)m_ThreadID, 0, CALLBACK_FUNCTION))
    		waveInGetErrorText(i, err, 255);
    		sprintf(buf, "WAVEIN Open (%d): %s", i, err);
    		MessageBox(NULL, buf, "Error", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK);
    	if(i = waveInPrepareHeader(m_hRecord, pHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR)))
    		waveInGetErrorText(i, err, 255);
    		sprintf(buf, "WAVEIN PrepareHeader (%d): %s", i, err);
    		MessageBox(NULL, buf, "Error", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK);
    	if(i = waveInAddBuffer(m_hRecord, pHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR)))
    		waveInGetErrorText(i, err, 255);
    		sprintf(buf, "WAVEIN AddBudder (%d): %s", i, err);
    		MessageBox(NULL, buf, "Error", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK);
    	if(i = waveInStart(m_hRecord))
    		waveInGetErrorText(i, err, 255);
    		sprintf(buf, "WAVEIN InStart (%d): %s", i, err);
    		MessageBox(NULL, buf, "Error", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK);
            /* save file */
    	/* clean up */
    	/* let them know it's done */
    I hope I'm going through the right process. There should be a library for this :P

    Thanks in advance,

    Daniel Wallace
    Last edited by Longie; 05-08-2005 at 10:18 PM. Reason: typo
    - Daniel Wallace

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Never mind guys, I took a look at FMOD and realised that it can be used for recording also.

    All sorted, including saving to a wav file (go wotsit)
    - Daniel Wallace

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