I'm trying to make my own short version of the windows header stuff I use, like this for an MessageBox app:

#ifdef strict
struct handtp { int unused; };
typedef struct handtp* hand;
#define hand void*

#define wusr __declspec(dllimport)
#define wapi __stdcall
#define pch const char *

#define uint unsigned int

wusr int wapi MessageBoxA (hand, pch, pch, uint);

int __stdcall WinMain (hand hInstance, hand hPrev, pch cmdline, uint showhow)
	uint unsg = 0;
	hand hnul = 0;

	pch myadr;
	char mystr[] = "mycapt";
	myadr = &mystr[0];
	MessageBoxA(hnul, myadr, myadr, unsg);
	return 0;
Why does it not work? I'm getting an unresolved external for the MessageBoxA.