Ok, well as you can see from my image and source file, i'v got a simple window setup with no message returns and junk yet.

However i'v ran into a few snags, as usual.

1.) How can i send text to static Boxes? I want to use the two top boxes to simply hold a truely static string, as in it wont change after i set it. And the bottom box, i want to use as a umm.. display box? Displaying what the program is doing, loading, saving, ect. Just a simple no scroll display with multiple lines, each line being a new message.

Anyway, how can this be done? i tried sending it
            SendMessage(hMainStatic_Name, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) lpszTrouble);
however that seems to get my nothing, and "lpszTrouble" is a character array holding a string, this is the same way i pass text into the edit box (for testing) which works,and the article on Static Controls says to pass in a character pointer into the LPARAM, and i havent been able to get the pointer to specifically regonize the character array. I'm a bit rusty on coding and forgot how to point to an array ( i thought i just pointed to the variable address but aparently i'm wrong, so comments on the following code would be helpful too lol)
            CHAR lpszTrouble[] = "Zeusbwr";
            CHAR * ptString[] = 0;
            ptString = &lpszTrouble;

*error "170 C:\path\main.cpp cannot convert `CHAR (*)[8]' to `CHAR*' in assignment"
So anyway, help on getting text into the static box would be awesome.

2.) I am having multiple problems just dealing with the look of my boxes. Like Fonts, i am unable to find a font Message/Style to change the default font for my Editbox, ComboBox, and i am sure my Static Boxes once i get them working. Fonts, Font Size, Bold/Not, and Itallics, is any of that predefined in a message or anything?

3.) Again, on the look of my editbox. You know how static boxes have messages to change the apearence of the box? Like giving it a dark frame with SS_BLACKFRAME or changing the background color of the Box with SS_WHITERECT? Is this possible with the Edit Control? My edit control has a white background with no "Frame" (unless the frame is matching the background color of the window, i wouldent know then obviously), how can i change this?

Thanks to any replies!