Alright, Here's the deal. I'm a C programmer. I've been programming C for two years now, and I have decided to jump into Windows Programming. I bought the book "Windows Programming" by Charles Petzold. It seems pretty straight forward but I've hit a bump, a very hard one. I'm stuck on chapter 4 - SYSMETS3.C.. It bascially teaches how to use and implement Scroll Bars in your app' but, I'm having a hard time understanding some of the stuff in the example - It's very frustrating.

What I want to know is: Would it be ok to skip Scroll Bars for the time being and move on? .. and later on when I'm through with the book, I can go back to Scroll bars? I really don't have much use for scroll bars ATM (but would definetl like to learn to use them) and the latter chapters only have 2/3 more examples with some scroll bar implementation in them so IMO, I think skipping Scroll bars would'nt really hamper my GUI progress. What do you think? should skip or not?

Thanks for reading this