Thread: Making standalone APP run in background

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Feb 2005

    Making standalone APP run in background

    Let me first say that I know nothing about programming C or C++ I took a class on it in was too much....I couldn't configure the compiler........I dropped the class.
    I did a search on my topic but I couldn't find an answer so here is my post

    Fortunately now I have a better understanding of programming but mostly on web programming.
    I have created a standalone database in Filemaker......the database works fine but the client states it loads too slow.
    I have tried to tweak it to run faster but it still takes 20 seconds to load.
    this is unacceptable to client.
    My solution was to make the program run in the background to reserve resources so when it's invoked it will run faster.
    Filemaker does not provide an option of creating a standalone app and then controlling it like a program.
    Is it possible to write code to make it run in the background............and if so will it make the app run faster........................and if so is it easy................and if it is not easy but possible how much would someone expect to pay to have this programming done.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this

  2. #2
    train spotter
    Join Date
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    near a computer
    Don't know FileMaker but have used done some stuff like this..

    FileMaker seem to support ODBC so 'should' be able to interact with it with WIN32.

    Is it the amount of data (size of DB) making it slow to load?
    (that is each access to DB takes time)

    If so then you need a faster DB or create a 'snapshot' of the data (in memory) and update the main DB when the client/session has finished (or at regular intervals).

    Not something I would try as a beginner....


    that FileMaker is slow to load?
    (once loaded runs smoothly)

    It may then be possible to write an app that keeps on opening the DB (stopping it closing).

    Not that good an idea IMO......
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  3. #3
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Your question is pretty much off topic. Posting random questions in the hope of finding someone who is also expert in FileMaker is going to result in a lot of misses and very few hits.
    Well would you look at that

    > the database works fine but the client states it loads too slow.
    Get faster hardware?

    > how much would someone expect to pay to have this programming done.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Salem
    Your question is pretty much off topic. Posting random questions in the hope of finding someone who is also expert in FileMaker is going to result in a lot of misses and very few hits.
    Well would you look at that

    > the database works fine but the client states it loads too slow.
    Get faster hardware?

    > how much would someone expect to pay to have this programming done.
    Thanks Salem........Questions were not random I am well versed in computers just not programming. I have went through all the Filemaker forums and faqs to find a solution. There was not one that even mentioned something similar. This is a programming issue filemaker did it's job's personal vanity that I am answering to right now

    Thanks for the coder site by the way .............

    What novacain stated about the odbc :
    Is it the amount of data (size of DB) making it slow to load?
    (that is each access to DB takes time)?
    ---yes...the larger the data the longer the database took to load

    If so then you need a faster DB or create a 'snapshot' of the data (in memory) and update the main DB when the client/session has finished (or at regular intervals).

    Not something I would try as a beginner....
    thanks.....didn't think of this ..........I will look into filemaker for a solution on this end..................

    Thanks Novacain/Salem

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