Hey evrybdy, I have a new problem. Last night i started on a small simple web browser in MFC, and got going good with it. I have the Standard functions with Stop, Reload, Back, Forward, etc. Now this is my problem:

I have used the CHTMLView base class in an SDI app. I created all of my menu/button functions in my CWebBrowserView class. I set up a modal window to pop up when the menu item "Set Home" is clicked. I got this far. Now what I did was link the "IDC_HOMEPAGE" (the edit box in the modal dialog) in the CModalDlg class, I have the OnOk() function to GetDlgItemText() from the Edit box in my modal window. In my CWebBrowserView class the "SetPage()" function uses a public CString named "strHomePage".

My objective is to get the text from the modal edit and store it the strHomePage. When the browser starts, its suposed to load the page in the strHomePage string. I call the function Navigate2() to call the strHomePage like so in the CWebBrowserView's GotoHome() and the CWebBrowseView's OnInitialUpdate (or is it just "InitialUpdate"?), anyway:

Navigate2(_T(strHomePage, NULL, NULL));

Or I use something at least something similiar. I don't have my project the terminal I'm on right now. Please Help. I've given as much detail as I can.