I have this book "Win32 programming" by Brent E.Rector n Joseph M.Newcomer. I been relying on this book to learn window programming. However, some of the examples n explanations had been too complicated for me. I feel the author tend to assume that the reader is familiar with win16 programming n cater the content more for win16 programmers. As a result, i feel my learning progress has been very slow.

I know there is another book "Programming Windows" by Charles Petzold which is suppose to be a "must-have" for learning window programming(but i heard it's outdated).

Could anyone, who is familiar with these two book, tell me should i get "Programming Windows" to help me in my learning. I dont know how much more of "win32 programming" i can understand. Or is there any other book i could get or what other knowledge i should have acquire before learning win32. I already know basic of C n much of C++(classes,inheritance,polymorphism), which i suppose is enough.
