A class-based program of mine is giving some issues, in the form of unhandled exceptions. To summarize the program:

The main class, graphcalc, functions perfectly. It is created on the stack. It creates a seperate thread, which then creates a window. In the creation procedure for this window, an instance of the second class, drawbox, is created dynamically. It is not deleted anywhere.

The problem occurs when trying to access member data/functions from member functions (other than the constructor). For example:

LRESULT CALLBACK drawbox::WndProc(HWND hwnd , UINT msg,WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam)
	hMain=hwnd; //access violation occurs here
	switch (msg)
	case WM_PAINT:
	return CallWindowProc (wpPrevProc , hwnd , msg , wParam , lParam);
This function is non-static, and is a member of drawbox. hMain is likewise non-static and a member of drawbox.

As far as I know, this function SHOULD have the 'this' pointer, but it would appear it thinks it does, but actually doesn't.

Any ideas as to whats going here?