okay i have the following structure in place:

typedef struct connections connections;
struct connections{   // Structure to contain information about connections to items
     int ID;   // The identification number of the connected item
     float strength;   // A float to represent the strength of the   connection.
	 connections * next;   // Pointer to the next connection in the list.

typedef struct theNode theNode;
struct theNode{   // The main structure that represents an item of Organism or Resource
	 int id;   // The identification number of the item
	 float levels[ARMAX];   // The array of floats. Limited to 5 indexes
	 connections * conn;   // Pointer to a list of connections

all this works fine i assume cause it gives me no errors in other parts of the code, the next section keeps crashing my system

struct theNode *temp = NULL;
	struct connections  *tmp = NULL;
	int len = 0;
	float strength; //Variable used to hold connection strength
		return TRUE;
		case IDOK:
			len = GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_STRENGTH));
			if(len > 0)
				char* buf1;
				buf1 = (char*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, len + 1); //allocate memory
				GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_EDIT_STRENGTH, buf1, len + 1);
				//call to convertTextToNum function and populate traits array
				strength = convertTextToNum(buf1);
				GlobalFree((HANDLE)buf1); //free the memory

				ConPrintf( hCon,255,"ID # = %d\n", index);//debug
				ConPrintf( hCon,255,"Connection ID # = %d\n", index2);//debug
				ConPrintf( hCon,255,"Connection Strength = %0.3f\n", strength);//debug

				temp = theItems[index];

				tmp = temp->conn;
				tmp->ID = index2; // <----crashes here in debug when i watch
				tmp->strength = strength;

				addConnection2(tmp, index); //add connections to organism/resource
			EndDialog(hwnd, IDOK);
			return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
both index and index2 are static ints declared elsewere, i am new to visual studio and am confused by the CXX0030 code that appears when i debug

i hope i explained this and gave enough code

thanx in advance
