
I am trying to resize a bitmap in memory using
StretchDIBits and GetDIBits and, in turn, output
the file to a BIP format.

Without resizing the following code works fine
when outputting a BIP.

   out_byte = (BYTE *) calloc(NCOLS*JP2_CHANNELS,1);
   if (out_byte == NULL) return false;
   out_data = (BYTE *) calloc(NCOLS*NROWS*JP2_CHANNELS,1);
   if (out_data == NULL)
	   return false;

   // Open output bip and hdr files.
   success = true;
   success = success && (! ((out_bip = fopen(bip_path,"wb")) == NULL));
   success = success && (! ((out_hdr = fopen(hdr_path,"w")) == NULL));

  // Get source image
  // Contains Data and BITMAPINFO header.

   BYTE *pData = (BYTE *)this->m_timage.Data;

		// Have to flip bmp and change windows BGR to RGB.
		for(int y = NROWS - 1; y >= 0; y--)
			pData2 += (y * NCOLS * JP2_CHANNELS);

			for(int x = 0; x < NCOLS*JP2_CHANNELS; x+=JP2_CHANNELS)
				out_byte[x]   = pData2[2];  //R
				out_byte[x+1] = pData2[1];  //G
				out_byte[x+2] = pData2[0];  //B
				pData2 += 3;
			// Write out entire line.
			// Reset pData to bottom of image.
			//pData = (BYTE *)this->m_timage.Data;
			pData2 = out_data;

   free (out_byte);
   free (out_data);
The above code is not compilable but should
give a rough idea of what I am doing.

When I attempt to add resizing in the picture
I get an empty black image:

   out_byte = (BYTE *) calloc(NCOLS*JP2_CHANNELS,1);
   if (out_byte == NULL) return false;
   out_data = (BYTE *) calloc(NCOLS*NROWS*JP2_CHANNELS,1);
   if (out_data == NULL)
	   return false;

   // Open output bip and hdr files.
   success = true;
   success = success && (! ((out_bip = fopen(bip_path,"wb")) == NULL));
   success = success && (! ((out_hdr = fopen(hdr_path,"w")) == NULL));

  // Get source image
  // Contains Data and BITMAPINFO header.

 HDC MemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
   //HBITMAP BmpHnd = CreateBitmap(NCOLS,NROWS,1,24,NULL);
   HBITMAP BmpHnd = CreateCompatibleBitmap(MemDC, NCOLS, NROWS); 
   HBITMAP OldBmp = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(MemDC,BmpHnd);
   int numScanned = GetDIBits(MemDC,BmpHnd,0,NROWS-1,out_data,&Info,DIB_RGB_COLORS);
   char t[256];
   sprintf(t, "num scanned: %d\n", numScanned);
   //int err = GetLastError();
   //char t[256];
   //sprintf(t, "error message: %d\n", err);


   BYTE *pData = out_data;

		// Have to flip bmp and change windows BGR to RGB.
		for(int y = NROWS - 1; y >= 0; y--)
			pData2 += (y * NCOLS * JP2_CHANNELS);

			for(int x = 0; x < NCOLS*JP2_CHANNELS; x+=JP2_CHANNELS)
				out_byte[x]   = pData2[2];  //R
				out_byte[x+1] = pData2[1];  //G
				out_byte[x+2] = pData2[0];  //B
				pData2 += 3;
			// Write out entire line.
			// Reset pData to bottom of image.
			//pData = (BYTE *)this->m_timage.Data;
			pData2 = out_data;

   free (out_byte);
   free (out_data);
Is my use of StretchDIBits and GetDIbits correct?

Am I missing something else?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
