Hi. Thanks for reading this. In my application I would like to see if a bitmap on a static control is the same as a bitmap I load in a loop. It looks like this:

	HBITMAP hBitmap;    // Handle to current tile's bitmap object
	FILE *pFile = fopen("myMap.txt", "wb");

	// TODO: Loop through the tile vector objects and write
	//       them to the specified file
	for (int current = 0; current < m_wndTile.size(); current++) 
		hBitmap = m_wndTile[current]->GetBitmap();    // Get current tile's bitmap data
		for (int rsrc = 131; rsrc <= 132; rsrc++)   // Loop resource bitmaps
			/* This section will check for a matching */
			/* resource id. if one is found, it will  */
			/* write the tile data to the file        */

	fclose(pFile);      // Close the file
Inside the 'for' loop containing the 'rsrc' of type 'int' is where I need to compare the two. I am making a level editor in MFC for a game I was working on a while back. How would I check to see if the 'hBitmap' object is equal to the bitmap loaded with the resource ID 'rsrc'? Please help if possible.

Matt U.