Hi, I use resource DLLs to provide multilingual environment to users - user select language, I call AfxSetResourceHandle() with handle of relevant DLL and in all functions that load some kind of resource, I use AfxGetResourceHandle().

It works great (I have six resource DLLs now + base project, which is in english).

Of course I use same resource symbols in resource.h, with the same values.

But sometimes happens that I'm not able to load certain string from string table of one of DLLs. It has the same value assigned in resource.h as in all others DLLs but it just doesn't work. The only thing that helps that I must add new string to all DLLs and change the code to use this symbol instead of the old one.

I really don't understand what the problem is

What could be the reason?

Have you ever met some similar problem?