Thread: Edit Box

  1. #1
    left crog... back when? incognito's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Edit Box

    When I type something in my edit box, it shows up twice any idea why? For example if I type hey it shows up as hheeyy.......

    			case IDOPEN:
    			Dialog= CreateDialog (GetModuleHandle(NULL), 
                MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1), hwnd, AboutDlgProc);
                if(Dialog != NULL)
                ShowWindow(Dialog, SW_SHOW);    //show our new Dialog Window

    That's the code for it.
    There are some real morons in this world please do not become one of them, do not become a victim of moronitis. PROGRAMMING IS THE FUTURE...THE FUTURE IS NOW!!!!!!!!!

    "...The only real game I thank in the world is baseball..." --Babe Ruth

    "Life is beautiful"-Don Corleone right before he died.

    "The expert on anything was once a beginner" -Baseball poster I own.

    Left cprog on 1-3-2005. Don't know when I am coming back. Thanks to those who helped me over the years.

  2. #2
    left crog... back when? incognito's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Fixed it I found the problem is the message loop.

    I had it like this........
        // Step 3: The Message Loop
        while(GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0))
    		if(!IsDialogMessage(Dialog, &Msg))       //if it's not a message for our
                                                     //Dialog window then we proccess
                                                     //the messages
        return Msg.wParam;
    I guess it was handling the messages wrong. 
    Now I fixed it........
        // Step 3: The Message Loop
        while(GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0))
    		if(!IsDialogMessage(Dialog, &Msg))       //if it's not a message for our
    		{                                           //Dialog window then we proccess
                                                     //the messages
        return Msg.wParam;

    Guess the messages were not being dispatched or something, I don't know.
    There are some real morons in this world please do not become one of them, do not become a victim of moronitis. PROGRAMMING IS THE FUTURE...THE FUTURE IS NOW!!!!!!!!!

    "...The only real game I thank in the world is baseball..." --Babe Ruth

    "Life is beautiful"-Don Corleone right before he died.

    "The expert on anything was once a beginner" -Baseball poster I own.

    Left cprog on 1-3-2005. Don't know when I am coming back. Thanks to those who helped me over the years.

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