Hi, I'm just a 16 year old without much access to much information/resources regarding programming. I have a book and I am working on a program that utilizes radio buttons. I seem, well not seem, I am having problems getting the radio buttons to do what I want them to do in my program. Here is a bit of a background on my application. It is a "visual" calculator for the Gas Laws in Chemistry. I have 5 radio buttons in a group box and basically, when the user selects a radio button i want the program to make certain edit boxes unusable and when the user enters numbers in certain edit boxes, pushes a button, it will do certain calculations based on the radio button that is selected. I know how to do the math, i know how to make edit boxes unusable, what i don't know how to do is the radio button's. Any help would be appreciated, either PM me, Instant message me on AOL instant messenger or just reply to this thread! thanks!