Thread: MSVC++6 resource redefinition!

  1. #1
    Registered User Bajanine's Avatar
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    Angry MSVC++6 resource redefinition!

    I am having a problem with MSVC++ 6. I wrote a small program, and then closed the workspace.

    When I reopened another ongoing win32 API project I received 2 errors that I don't understand:
    MS Visual c++
    c:\program files\...\vc98\MFC\include\afxres.h(164)
    WARNING RC4005: 'ID_FILE_OPEN' : redefinition.

    MS Visual c++
    c:\program files\...\script1.rc(33) error RC2104 undefined keyword or name IDM_FILE_OPEN

    Now, I don't understand why these errors all the sudden started popping up as I am 99% positive the source code is unchanged from yesterday when I had it compiling.

    Any ideas on how to fix this?
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    >For that reason someone invented C++.
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  2. #2
    train spotter
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    the first error error seems to say you have two definitions fro the same ID

    the second that you don't have one

    Note the M (for menu?) in the second ID#.

    Is it that you have changed the name of a menu item and need to do a full rebuild before MSVC catches up?

    Or mis-spelled the name of a menu item?

    Or trying to have two recorces of the same ID# or name on the same window/dialog?

    (these are the common causes of this error unless your network has gone flaky, but your file seem local)
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  3. #3
    Registered User Bajanine's Avatar
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    The most peaks over 10,000 feet!
    Thanks, I'll tinker around some more but the problem is I didn't change anything! So how come all the sudden I get errors?

    I had a backup copy so I just recopied it over and now everything works again. Very weird!
    Last edited by Bajanine; 03-24-2003 at 10:24 PM.
    Favorite Quote:

    >For that reason someone invented C++.
    BLASPHEMY! Begone from my C board, you foul lover of objects, before the gods of C cast you into the void as punishment for your weakness! There is no penance for saying such things in my presence. You are henceforth excommunicated. Never return to this house, filthy heretic!

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