ok, i know there is a way to do this, since ive seen it done in...i dont know...EVERY program ive come across!

ok, what i need to know, is the chunk of code i need to get into the windows registry and make the .drk extension open up my program and insert the opened file in it already.

what i ahve right now, is if you click on the .drk file and open it in any other way besides going to file>open, the program starts up and the text isn;t inserted. anyway how i can make the open command work the way things like...notepad open files with its .txt extension?

another thing is, anyway i can over-rule the basic popup commands when you right clcik on an edit field? like, when you right click in it, by default is windows popup menu witht the basic editing commands, ie. select all, paste, delete, etc...

anyway i can take this menu out, as well as the keyboard shortcuts?

i think this is clearly explained...if anything is unclear to anyone, please by all means ask...