I am in the process of making a program to send large files.

This is a Win32 program.

As you can see from my code, when the user clicks the send button, it starts the sending loop, which sends 1kb at a time.
A log file is also opened and written to with the following details:
the amount of data read from the file, and the amout of data sent.

after a while, the amount of data sent will be -1 because send() returns -1.

How do I get past this? Am I even using blocking sockets? How do I implement a blocking socket?

I realize there could be more data left over to send at the end of the sending loop. That problem is solved with a simple modulous calculation. This is not my problem.

I know sending 1kb at a time is probably not the best. But I know you CAN send 1kb at a time, and this is what I want to do at the moment (I'm learning sockets).

Thank you for your replies.

Here is my sending code (executes when a button on the form is clicked)

					FILE *fRD = NULL;
					long fLength = -1;
					char chrRead[1024] = {0};
					char outputlog[256];
					int actualRead, actualSent;

					FILE *LOG = fopen("c:\\documents and settings\\kj\\desktop\\log.txt", "w");

					if((fRD = fopen("c:\\documents and settings\\kj\\desktop\\Ballad.mp3", "rb")) == NULL)
						MessageBox(hWnd, "fopen failed.", "error", MB_OK);
						return 0;

					fLength = retFileLength(fRD);

					for(int x = 0; x < (fLength / 1024); x++)
						if(!fseek(fRD, (x * 1024), SEEK_SET))
							actualRead = fread(chrRead, sizeof(char), 1024, fRD);
							actualSent = send(sckTransfer, chrRead, 1024, 0);
							sprintf(outputlog, "Actual Read: %d; Actual Sent: %d.\n", actualRead, actualSent);
							fwrite(outputlog, sizeof(char), strlen(outputlog), LOG);

					MessageBox(hWnd, "Done Sending", "", MB_OK);

					return TRUE;
Here is my receiving code (executes when FD_READ message is received (WSAAsyncSelect)):

			case FD_READ:
					char chrRead[1024] = {0};
					int actualReceived = 0;

					actualReceived = recv(sckTransfer, chrRead, sizeof(chrRead), 0);
					fwrite(chrRead, sizeof(char), actualReceived, fWR);

					return TRUE;