So here is the thing. This isn't really a *problem* but I'm looking for some insight. The thing is, i have a couple of classes in my program, and all of the classes need to do stuff to the main window.

The Main file has a variable declared up top as such:
static HINSTANCE hInst;

This is pretty much the handle to the current instance of the program. This variable, (definied in the WinMain function) is needed in some functions in my classes. Right now, I am passing in all of these variables(an HDC variable, an HWND variable...) to the classes individually. And doing so, its becoming more and more annoying to create a new object as I have to type in so many input parameters.

So I guess my question is, is there any way to access these "windows" variables from my classes without actually passing them all in?

Let me know if this problem needs more clarification. Thanks! Happy new years.
