Itīs frustrating :\ Iīm working on my first win32 app for about a month and iīm at the point of exporting results to xml files and stuff, the app is almost finished except that i canīt make one basic (and stupid) thing work.

The TAB key Yeah, i know itīs lame and believe me, it is very ashaming to go public and ask help on this

My app is written in pure C and WinAPI, using DEV-C++. It has only one window and no resource file: all the controls (2 groups, 3 static txt labels, 7 checkboxes, 7 edit fileds and 6 buttons) are created inside "case WM_CREATE" switch. The ones i wish i could access through the tab key got the WS_TABSTOP style. My app compiles through GCC 3.2 (mingw32 2.0) with absolutely no errors nor warnings and everything works on it, except the tab key. Nothing happens when i press it.

I canīt post the entire code here, that would be a lot of lines for you to read, but maybe you can tell me what would be the most probable causes for this lame issue.

Thanks in advance