I have a control with some dragable objects in it. When I drag
the selected objects to the uotskirt of the control it should scroll
in the apropriate direction. Now, I can't find a good way to do this
without stopping the messagesystem. I'd rather not use a loop
inside the windows procedure since then no additional
messages in the app wouldn't get thru before after the scrolling
(and there must be a simpler way than multithreading)..
Right now this scrollingbehaviour resides within the
WM_MOUSEMOVE message, but then I have to move the mouse
all the time for it to happend. What I would like to do is
something like:if (WM_LBUTTONDOWN and Cursor.x<WindowWidth-20) then scroll..

any ideas on how this may be accomplished in a good way...cause my ways have all sucked!

thanks a bunch