ok, well I am working on streaming rtf and I'm basically clueless on where to go from here. I got rich edit working with selecting the text and all that, but for what I'm trying to accomplish its not very practical.

Unfortunately theres not much that I could find on streaming this, but from what I did find, I came to the following conclusions.

1) You have to stream from an actual file (Although i try not to do this in the code)
2) The callback serves absolutely no purpose
3) Richedit doesnt like me (ehe)

heres snippets of the code so you can see how badly I dunno what I'm doin.

// The callback
DWORD CALLBACK EditStreamCallback(DWORD dwCookie, LPBYTE lpbBuff, LONG cb, LONG FAR *pcb)
    return 0;

// Trying to add the text
BOOL StreamIn(HWND hwndCtrl, LPCTSTR lpszPath)

    es.dwCookie = (DWORD)"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0 Lucida Console;}}";
    es.dwError = 0;
    es.pfnCallback = EditStreamCallback;

    SendMessage(hwndCtrl, EM_STREAMIN,(WPARAM)SF_TEXT, (LPARAM)&es);

    return(es.dwError? FALSE : TRUE);
When I try to run it, the program errors and gives me an Access Violation.

Any ideas/links/comments are appreciated.