Thread: How do I convert the background of Edit Control to transparent in mFC VC++ ?

  1. #1
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    How do I convert the background of Edit Control to transparent in mFC VC++ ?

    I am using one CStatic control with variable as "m_background" and ID as IDC_background. In this control, the video has been run on the click of the button. and there is second control Edit Control with variable as "m_edit" and ID as IDC_edit.This Edit Box is placed over static control. I want to show the text written in Edit Control on video while we play video on click of the button with transparent background color of EDit Control.
    But the problem is grey/white background has appeared for m_edit control while we play video. I want to show the text on the video with transparent background of the "m_edit" control while we play the video.
    I have attached the ScreHow do I convert the background of Edit Control to transparent in mFC VC++ ?-screenshot_r-png
    Please help !!
    BOOL CtestcodeDlg::OnInitDialog()//To set up the video in background and text above the video{
    m_background.ModifyStyle(0, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS);	
    m_edit.SetWindowPos(&CWnd::wndTop, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE|WS_EX_TRANSPARENT);
    	return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control
    HBRUSH CtestcodeDlg::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)///To transparent the background of Edit box
    HBRUSH hbr = CDialogEx::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);
    HBRUSH m_default=CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0,0, 0));
    if(pWnd->GetDlgCtrlID() == IDC_edit)
    return hbr;
    void CtestcodeDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()////To run the video
    my_instance = libvlc_new(0, NULL);
    my_media_file = libvlc_media_new_location(my_instance, "rtsp://");
    my_player = libvlc_media_player_new_from_media(my_media_file);
    my_event_manager = libvlc_media_player_event_manager(my_player);
    libvlc_audio_set_track(my_player ,-1);
    libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd(my_player, m_background);
    _beginthread(test, 0, NULL);
    libvlc_audio_set_track(my_player ,-1);

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