while running the program from the book network programming on windows

i am inluding netapi32.lib in the linker section and nb30.h i am getting

i also tried ws2_32.lib but to no avail ... any pointers please ?

cbnbsvr.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _Send
cbnbsvr.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _Recv
cbnbsvr.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _FormatNetbiosName
cbnbsvr.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _AddName
cbnbsvr.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ResetAll
cbnbsvr.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _LanaEnum

// Module Name: Cbnbsvr.c
// Description:
// This NetBIOS sample implements a server using the asynchronous
// callback functions as opposed to asynch events. The server
// will add its name to each LANA number on the machine and post
// a listen (NCBLISTEN) on each LANA in order to service client
// requests.
// Compile:
// cl -o cbnbsvr.exe cbnbsvr.c ..\Common\nbcommon.obj netapi32.lib
// Command Line Options:
// NONE - The server automatically uses the NetBIOS name as
// defined by the constant SERVER_NAME
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "..\Common\nbcommon.h"

#define MAX_BUFFER 2048

DWORD WINAPI ClientThread(PVOID lpParam);

// Function: ListenCallback
// Description:
// This function is called when an asynchronous listen completes.
// If no error occured create a thread to handle the client.
// Also post another listen for other client connections.
void CALLBACK ListenCallback(PNCB pncb)
HANDLE hThread;
DWORD dwThreadId;

if (pncb->ncb_retcode != NRC_GOODRET)
printf("ERROR: ListenCallback: %d\n", pncb->ncb_retcode);
Listen(pncb->ncb_lana_num, SERVER_NAME);

hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ClientThread, (PVOID)pncb, 0,
if (hThread == NULL)
printf("ERROR: CreateThread: %d\n", GetLastError());


// Function: ClientThread
// Description:
// The client thread blocks for data sent from clients and
// simply sends it back to them. This is a continuous loop
// until the sessions is closed or an error occurs. If
// the read or write fails with NRC_SCLOSED then the session
// has closed gracefully so exit the loop.
DWORD WINAPI ClientThread(PVOID lpParam)
PNCB pncb = (PNCB)lpParam;
NCB ncb;
char szRecvBuff[MAX_BUFFER];
char szClientName[NCBNAMSZ+1];

FormatNetbiosName(pncb->ncb_callname, szClientName);

while (1)
dwBufferLen = MAX_BUFFER;

dwRetVal = Recv(pncb->ncb_lana_num, pncb->ncb_lsn,
szRecvBuff, &dwBufferLen);
if (dwRetVal != NRC_GOODRET)
szRecvBuff[dwBufferLen] = 0;
printf("READ [LANA=%d]: '%s'\n", pncb->ncb_lana_num,

dwRetVal = Send(pncb->ncb_lana_num, pncb->ncb_lsn,
szRecvBuff, dwBufferLen);
if (dwRetVal != NRC_GOODRET)
printf("Client '%s' on LANA %d disconnected\n", szClientName,

if (dwRetVal != NRC_SCLOSED)
// Some other error occured, hang up the connection
ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB));
ncb.ncb_command = NCBHANGUP;
ncb.ncb_lsn = pncb->ncb_lsn;
ncb.ncb_lana_num = pncb->ncb_lana_num;

if (Netbios(&ncb) != NRC_GOODRET)
printf("ERROR: Netbios: NCBHANGUP: %d\n", ncb.ncb_retcode);
dwRetVal = ncb.ncb_retcode;
return dwRetVal;

// Function: Listen
// Description:
// Post an asynchronous listen with a callback function. Create
// an NCB structure for use by the callback (since it needs a
// global scope).
int Listen(int lana, char *name)
PNCB pncb = NULL;

pncb = (PNCB)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(NCB));
pncb->ncb_command = NCBLISTEN | ASYNCH;
pncb->ncb_lana_num = lana;
pncb->ncb_post = ListenCallback;
// This is the name clients will connect to
memset(pncb->ncb_name, ' ', NCBNAMSZ);
strncpy(pncb->ncb_name, name, strlen(name));
// An '*' means we'll take a client connection from anyone. By
// specifying an actual name here you restrict connections to
// clients with that name only.
memset(pncb->ncb_callname, ' ', NCBNAMSZ);
pncb->ncb_callname[0] = '*';

if (Netbios(pncb) != NRC_GOODRET)
printf("ERROR: Netbios: NCBLISTEN: %d\n", pncb->ncb_retcode);
return pncb->ncb_retcode;

// Function: main
// Description:
// Initialize the NetBIOS interface, allocate some resources, add
// the server name to each LANA, and post an asynch NCBLISTEN on
// each LANA with the appropriate callback. Then wait for incoming
// client connections, at which time, spawn a worker thread to
// handle them. The main thread simply waits while the server
// threads are handling client requests. You wouldn't do this in a
// real application, but this sample is for illustrative purposes
// only.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
LANA_ENUM lenum;
int i,

// Enumerate all LANAs and reset each one
if (LanaEnum(&lenum) != NRC_GOODRET)
return 1;
if (ResetAll(&lenum, 254, 254, FALSE) != NRC_GOODRET)
return 1;
// Add the server name to each LANA and issue a listen on each
for(i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++)
AddName(lenum.lana[i], SERVER_NAME, &num);
Listen(lenum.lana[i], SERVER_NAME);

while (1)