
I have always wondered about having push-buttons at any specific place around the frame in a SDI architecture. I will explain as best I can about how the program might look like. Here is a typical SDI core GUI.


I would like to have something like this:

Two Push-Buttons (Open | Exit) // open and exit is arbitrary

What is the best way to implement something like the GUI above? It is easy to add buttons and such inside a dialog box, but I have never be able to add push-buttons anywhere in the main frame.

I have one idea, but I am not completely sure on how to add the click mesages if the user clicks the button. Three weeks ago I posted a thread asking about added a progress bar insde the status bar. A member at CodeGuru posted a very unique technique that basically enable/disable the default status bar and enable/disable a CControlBar. It was such a cool technique. I am still using it.

I was thinking maybe I can implement the same setup, but this time, enable the CControlbar througout the program's lifetime. However, how will I be able to process messages if the user clicks a button? the use of CControlbar does not require deriving a class to encapsulate the dialog box. Thus, I have no way of processing messages cooresponding to the buttons inside the dialog box.

Do you have a better technique?
