Thread: Serial Port communication program crashes

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Serial Port communication program crashes

    I am reading serial data from a pic development board via usb virtual rs232 com port. My program compiles with no errors but crashes when i run it, i have attached some of the code if anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated.

    private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {
                                         updatePorts();    //Function finds available com ports and displays the list in the combo box
    private: System::Void serialPort1_DataReceived(System::Object^  sender, System::IO::Ports::SerialDataReceivedEventArgs^  e) {
                                          test();  //Function reads the serial port buffer an sends text string to Text Box
    private: System::Void btnConnect_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {
    		if (ComPort->IsOpen)
    			Thread^ oThread = gcnew Thread( gcnew ThreadStart(this, &Form1::test) );
                 bool x;   // Controls the while loop start stop condition when communication starts
                static SerialPort^ ComPort;
                 void updatePorts(){
                                                  array<String^>^ serialPorts = nullptr;
    	                            serialPorts = SerialPort::GetPortNames();
    	                            for each(String^ port in serialPorts)
                                                  ComPort = gcnew SerialPort(); 
               void connect()
    			bool error = false;
    			// Check if all settings have been selected
    			if (cmbPortName->SelectedIndex != -1 & cmbBaudRate->SelectedIndex != -1 & cmbParity->SelectedIndex != -1 & cmbDataBits->SelectedIndex != -1 & cmbStopBits->SelectedIndex != -1)
    					//if yes than Set The Port's settings
    					ComPort->PortName = cmbPortName->Text;
    					ComPort->BaudRate = Convert::ToInt32(cmbBaudRate->Text); //convert Text to Integer
    				                    ComPort->Parity = safe_cast<Parity>(Enum::Parse(Parity::typeid, cmbParity->Text)); //convert Text to Parity
    					ComPort->DataBits = Convert::ToInt32(cmbDataBits->Text); //convert Text to Integer
    					ComPort->StopBits = safe_cast<StopBits>(Enum::Parse(StopBits::typeid, cmbStopBits->Text)); //convert Text to stop bits
    				try //always try to use this try and catch method to open your port.
    					 //if there is an error your program will not display a message instead of freezing.
    					//Open Port
    				catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ^e1)
    					error = true;
    				catch (System::IO::IOException ^e2)
    					error = true;
    				catch (ArgumentException ^e3)
    					error = true;
    				if (error)
    					MessageBox::Show(this, "Could not open the COM port. Most likely it is already in use, has been removed, or is unavailable.", "COM Port unavailable", MessageBoxButtons::OK, MessageBoxIcon::Stop);
    				MessageBox::Show("Please select all the COM Serial Port Settings", "Serial Port Interface", MessageBoxButtons::OK, MessageBoxIcon::Stop);
    			   //if the port is open, Change the Connect button to disconnect, enable the send button.
    			   //and disable the groupBox to prevent changing configuration of an open port.
    			if (ComPort->IsOpen)
    				btnConnect->Text = "Disconnect";
    				x=1;  //Start Thread to display receved data in text box
                                       // Call this function to close the port.
             void disconnect()
    		btnConnect->Text = "Connect";
    		groupBox1->Enabled = true;
    		x=0;  // Stop Thread from displaying data in text box
                          void test()      // read all available data in the receiving buffer.
    		            {                                                                   if I //ReadExisting() and replace it with a regular string "Hello" the program works
    		            String^ recievedData = serialPort1->ReadExisting(); //read all available data in the receiving buffer.
    		           // Show in the terminal window 
    		           rtxtDataArea->ForeColor = Color::Green; //write text data in Green

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Two points:
    1. Your code does not seem to be normal C++.
    2. If you want other humans to read your code, you need to indent it in a sane fashion.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by algorism View Post
    1. Your code does not seem to be normal C++.
    It's not. It's C++/CLI - a rather different language from ISO Standard C++. This forum is targeted for ISO Standard C++, and while it's possible you can get help with C++/CLI, unfortunately for you, it's somewhat unlikely.
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