Quote Originally Posted by Alej View Post
It's working, kind of.

I just tried running it from some other locations and it works as it should. It was something about the particular location I was running it from that it didn't like.

I did some more testing. It seems to be the length of the file path to the executable that it doesn't like. It won't work if the file path is too long. All my other executables in these folders work fine, but not for MDI child window icons. Weird.

I tried removing characters from the name of the folder it was in until it worked. If the folder name has two characters in the title I get the Warning icon. If the folder name has one character in the title I get the correct icon.

It's unsettling that the program will only work properly in certain locations.
That is extremely weird indeed. Unfortunately, I do not have an explanation for this behavior if it is indeed the root cause.