I'm working on a DirectX-based project, and I am having problems with my graphics code. The code works fine on my development system (Win2k), and when I run the EXE from outside my IDE (VC++ 6) it works fine also. But when I tried to run it from my other machine (W98SE), the program just boots back to the desktop.

When I am loading the BMP's for my level, at around the 400th tile (some random position), the function fails. I logged the following error message which appears after my LoadImage call: 'The parameter is incorrect'. There is no documentation entailing the specifics of this error.

I really can't understand what the error is. I have passed all non-local variables by reference. A memory problem?

Any help is *greatly* appreciated .

Where it says 'error handling' I jump out of the program and log the error (I've omitted the code to save some space).

    HBITMAP hBmp; // A bitmap handle
    BITMAP bmp; // A bitmap structure
    HDC hSourceDC; // The source device context

    extern HDC hDC; // Our window's device context
    extern HINSTANCE hinstance; // Our window's instance handle

// Here's the line that fails
    // Load the image into the bitmap handle
    if ( (hBmp = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(hinstance, cFilePath, 
                       IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE |
                       LR_CREATEDIBSECTION)) == NULL)
        LogErrorMsg("Unable to load image into DIB section");
        return (1);
	// Make the source DC represent the whole screen
	if (!(hSourceDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL)))
	// Error handling..

// Blitting - omitted

        // Now comes the housekeeping, we must free all memory

	// Deletes the bitmap handle
	if (!(DeleteObject(hBmp)))
	// Error handling..

	// Releases our device context from the main window
          if (FAILED(lpddSurface->ReleaseDC (hDC)))
	  // Error handling..

    // Deletes the source DC as we do not need it anymore
	if (!(DeleteDC(hSourceDC)))
	// Error handling..
