Thread: Parsing e-mail headers for subject field

  1. #1
    Registered /usr
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Newport, South Wales, UK

    Unhappy Parsing e-mail headers for subject field

    I'm trying to make a small e-mail client that will allow me to browse through the messages on my account and delete them if I wish. I've managed to get Winsock up and running (no easy feat, I can tell you ) and the server accepts my username and password.

    What I want to do then is to go through each message on the server, get the Subject line and add it to a list box. My code for getting the Subject line is thus:-
    (int iStatus = current position in retrieval process (5 = receiving messages))
    (char *g_szBuffer = input buffer from recv())
    (char g_szTemp[256] = temporary string)
    (HWND g_hwndList = window handle for list box)
    (long lCurMsg = current message being received)
    (long lCount = total number of messages)
    if (iStatus == 5)
       char *cSubjectPos, *cSubjectEnd;
       cSubjectPos = strstr(g_szBuffer, "Subject:");
       if (cSubjectPos != NULL)
          cSubjectEnd = strchr(cSubjectPos, '\r')
          if (cSubjectEnd != NULL)
             *cSubjectEnd = '\0';
             SendMessage(g_hwndList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)cSubjectPos+9);
             wsprintf(g_szTemp, "RETR %ld\r\n", lCurMsg);
             send(g_Socket, g_szTemp, strlen(g_szTemp), 0);
             if (lCurMsg > lCount)
                iStatus = 6;
    Unfortunately, while the "Subject:" string is found, the carriage return character isn't, for some reason. Has anyone else done this or can suggest a different way of doing it?

    Or even show me what I'm doing wrong, that'd be nice

  2. #2
    Registered /usr
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Newport, South Wales, UK
    Ah, I've seen the light that strtok() provides in this situation, so theoretically I SHOULD get the Subject line quite easily. However, I don't seem to account for lines split accross packets of data, so that causes issues.
    Is there a more reliable way of getting it?

  3. #3
    &TH of undefined behavior Fordy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Are you using POP3?

    The line end is usually "\r\n".......try that

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