Hi all,

I have developed a device driver which will create a virtual com port whenever my embedded device is connected to the USB port of the laptop.

Now i need to create an Auto Dial-Up or new network connection with the virtual com port created

whenever the device gets plugged into the laptop.

1.So i have to trigger an event upon USB connection detection

2. The triggered event should create an auto dial up connection with the vitual port


Steps to create a New Auto Dial Up connection:

1) Click on the Windows “Start” button.
2) Click on “Control Panel”.
3) Click on “Network connections”.
4) Click on “Create a new connection”.
5) Select the option “Set up an advanced connection”.
6) Select the option “Connect directly to another computer”.
7) Select the “Guest” option. Give a name to the USB network connection (e.g. “Connection Name”).
8) **Select the last COM port created on the PC corresponding to “Communications Port (COM X)”**.
9) Select the option “All users”.
10) Click on “Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop”, then “ok”.

Please provide your suggestions!!!