We have the ultimate visual studio 2010 and we paid for this 15.000 euros.
Sometime we had to compile and run a file with C inherited code (we did not buy Visual Studio 2010 only to compile old inherited code).
So we downloaded a free IDE with C compiler such as Dev C++ or code:Blocks. But when we try to compile with these compilers we take an error about "__try" command. Then we found that "__try" is related with microsoft's C compiler and the code maybe is from 1999 (so we are dealing with code from old visual C++ 6).
When I googled it to found how can I do this task from visual studio 2010 then this article came up.
And I ask the microsoft: Why it is so complicated to compile and run a simple inherited C code.
15.000 euros to send me to command line? I was compiling code through command line when I was in the university (1990!!!).
What a shame!