Hello everyone,

I'm rather stuck on an interesting problem and need some guidance. Suppose I have a WINDOWS app which allows the user to plot results from a computation. Suppose further that the plotting is to be done using GNUPLOT (wgnuplot.exe). The user app allows the specification of certain GNUPLOT options. These and the calls to GNUPLOT routines should be handled internally by the APP so that the user avoids writing results to a text file and then subsequently running GNUPLOT on the external file. Some sort of Interprocess Communication is required...

Now, if I were writing a call to GNUPLOT from a console app the matter is tricky but soluble. I would use _POPEN() followed by fprintf()'s to send GNUPLOT commands. But, my app is not a console, it is a WINDOWS app and according to MSDN _popen() won't work. They're right,too.

It seems as if I need to do something like create an anonymous pipe and send GNUPLOT commands via the pipe to a GNUPLOT process created with a call to CreateProcess(). Or something like that. After this, everything gets even muddier to me.

If someone has solved this problem, I'm a happy customer.

Mark Allyn