I have some code that starts up an executable with system(). It works fine except that it shows up a command prompt for a little while.

We want to get rid of that, so I changed the code to use CreateProcess. Now no window shows up but the program crashes. Anyone know what Im doing wrong?

int doCmdLineCall(std::string command) const
    //return system(command.c_str());
    // mimic return value of system() to not change error handling behaviour
    STARTUPINFO info = {0};
    PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo = {0};
    BOOL ret = FALSE;

    std::string::size_type i = command.find_first_of(' ');
    std::string cmd;
    std::string param;

    if (i != std::string::npos)
        cmd = command.substr(0, i);


        param = command.substr(i, command.length());
        info.cb = sizeof(info);
        info.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
        info.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;

        ret = CreateProcessA(cmd.c_str(), (char *)param.c_str(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &info, &procInfo);

        if (ret)
            WaitForSingleObject(procInfo.hProcess, (DWORD)-1L);

            DWORD exitcode;
            GetExitCodeProcess(procInfo.hProcess, &exitcode);

            ret = (intptr_t)(int)exitcode;


    return 0;// system(command.c_str());