Hi All,

I'm going to try write a progrm (in C obviously) that writes data into NTFS Alternate Data streams
(see Windows NTFS Alternate Data Streams | Symantec Connect Community and Practical Guide to Alternative Data Streams in NTFS )

I'm doing this just for practice/for fun. I'm aware you can write through the command line.
How can I write a program that will let me enter a bunch of text and put that text into the AltDS?

I'm new to programming and C is the only language i've played with. I'm hoping this will teach me a bit about integrating with windows and low level disk access.

I'm not after a program to be written for me. But i'm looking for some assistance, perhaps example code, or even just documentation on how to do this kind of stuff.

If i'm in over my head. Let me know!
