Thread: thread termination in vc++ mfc

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    thread termination in vc++ mfc

    i want to terminate some specified threads? all i want to do is this: i am creating threads for clients connect to servers by createthread function; i call this function in my onclickconnect() button call, for each selected server in the listbox, i create a thread and do the operations; startconnection, receive message from server etc. I pass the connected ip-ports in some other list and I want to have a disconnect button. when i select ip-ports in the "successful connections" list and click on the button, i want the corresponding threads to terminate. I have done some coding and this works fine for several steps. When I try to connect the server, it connects. When I try to disconnect from the server the thread is terminated. HOWEVER when I try to connect to the disconnected server it gives an error and my program terminates. I dont want such things. If you can examine my code and give me some advice, I will be grateful. Thanks
    Here is my connect/disconnect button:
    if(m_con1dis2 == 1) //connect 
    		Selected = 0; //number of the servers selected from the list
    		for(int i=0; i< m_ctlServerList.GetCount();i++)
    			if(m_ctlServerList.GetCheck(i) == 1 ) 
    		//no line is selected:
    		if(Selected == 0) 
    			AfxMessageBox(L"No Server is Selected!");
    		CString *diziPtr= new CString[Selected]; 
    		CString *ptr= new CString[Selected]; 
    		char str[2];
    		CString svar;
    		for(int i=0; i< m_ctlServerList.GetCount();i++)
    			if(m_ctlServerList.GetCheck(i) == 1 ) 
    				svar = str;
    				*diziPtr = lines[i]+_T(":")+svar+_T("-")+m_savepath;
    		for(int i=0;i<Selected;i++)
    			Client_Thread[Selected-i-1]=CreateThread(NULL,0,ClientThread,(void *)diziPtr,0,&Client_ThreadID);	
    		for(int i=0; i< m_ctlServerList.GetCount();i++)
    			if(m_ctlServerList.GetCheck(i) == 1 ) 
    				svar = str;
    				*ptr = lines[i]+_T(":")+svar;
    				if(connected[i] == 2)
    				else if(connected[i] == 1)
    		thread = 0;
    		done = true;
    	}//end of connect button
    if(m_con1dis2 == 2) //disconnect 
    		CString strTxt,thnum;
    		int tnum;
    		toDisconnect = 0;
    		for(int i=0; i< m_success.GetCount(); i++)
    			if(m_success.GetSel(i) == 1) 
    				AfxExtractSubString(thnum, strTxt, 2, ':');//third substr after : is the threadno
    			    tnum = _wtoi(thnum); //CString to int
    				AfxMessageBox(L"You terminated thread!");
    		for(int i=0; i< m_success.GetCount(); i++) //disconnect 
    			if(m_success.GetSel(i) == 1) 
    		if(m_success.GetCount() == 0)
    		{	m_ctlConnect.SetWindowTextW(_T("Connect"));
    			m_con1dis2 = 1;
    	}//end of disconnect button
    here is my clientthread function:
    DWORD WINAPI ClientThread(void * num)
    	/*signal( SIGINT, &signal_handler );
        signal( SIGTERM,&signal_handler );  
        signal( SIGABRT,&signal_handler );  */
    	CString ipport= *(CString * ) num;	
        CString ipAddress,savepath;
    	CString ports,socknums;
    	int port,socknum;
    	AfxExtractSubString(ipAddress, ipport, 0, ':'); //first substr upto : is the ip
    	AfxExtractSubString(ports, ipport, 1, ':');//second substr after : is the port
        port = _wtoi(ports);//CString to int
    	AfxExtractSubString(socknums, ipport, 2, ':');//third substr after : is the threadno
    	AfxExtractSubString(savepath, ipport, 1, '-');//second substr after - is the savepath
        socknum = _wtoi(socknums); //CString to int
    	CStringA ip(ipAddress); //CString to const char *
        Socket sockClient(socknum);
    	if(sockClient.ConnectToServer(ip, port,socknum)== 0) //connection failed
    	{	connected[socknum] = 1;
    		thread++ ; 
    		connected[socknum] = 2;
    		thread++ ; 
    		sockClient.timefile(ipAddress,ports,savepath);//creating the ip_port.txt file and write the time in it
    	if(thread == Selected) //Selected and thread are global int
    			done = false;
    	return 0;

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    I suspect the reconnection is unsuccessful because you are not properly closing the connection. Instead of terminating the client threads abruptly, you should do that.

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