I've been using VS 2005 Standard for my work and it was recently recommended to me to try out VS 2010 Express. I have a couple of questions before I make a jump though.

1. Can I install VS2010 and keep VS 2005 Standard installed in case it's not working for me? I would (of course) install it in a different directory, but will 2010 smeg with my 2005 install?

2. How is the performance of 2010 vs 2005? Sometimes the IDE in 2005 is sluggish when viewing moderately-sized source files. Is 2010 better at handling that, or is it more resource hungry? I do have an older computer (P4 3.8 - 3GB ram).

3. Is there any way to add MFC functionality into 2010? I'm fairly new to programming, and very inexperienced with Windows-specific programming. I have an app right now that I'm almost ready to convert from console to GUI. I'd like to think that I can do it using the Win32 or MFC for performance reasons - but I'm undecided on that still. I do know that the Windows Forms applications are sluggish, so I'm guessing that .NET isn't the best for snappy software.