Thread: Can a menu POPUP have an ID?

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Can a menu POPUP have an ID?

    I've tried giving an ID to a menu popup in my resource file, but it never seems to work. I'm trying to come up with a way to automate something I do repeatedly with different parts of the menu. I'll post some source below with a comment as to what I'm wanting to accomplish.

    p.s. Why can't you use control styles like LVS_EX_GRIDLINES in the damn resource file instead of having to SendMessage LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE them?

    //This is a piece of the menu as an example...
    	POPUP "File"
        	MENUITEM "Exit",MNU_EXIT
    	POPUP "Search"
      		POPUP "Input Type"
        		MENUITEM "Hexadecimal",MNU_CS_INPUT_HEX
          		MENUITEM "Decimal",MNU_CS_INPUT_DEC
          		MENUITEM "Float/Double",MNU_CS_INPUT_FLOAT
        	MENUITEM "Undo Last Search",MNU_CS_UNDO
     //then within the message loop at WM_COMMAND
    //Notice how I have to uncheck them all a line at a time. If I could grab the popup, 
    //I should be able to call a little function to loop and uncheck them for less clutter in my source.
                        Settings.CS.NumBase = GetMenuItemData(hMenu, LOWORD(wParam));
                        Settings.CS.NumBaseId = LOWORD(wParam);
                        SetMenuState(hMenu, MNU_CS_INPUT_HEX, MFS_UNCHECKED);
                        SetMenuState(hMenu, MNU_CS_INPUT_DEC, MFS_UNCHECKED);
                        SetMenuState(hMenu, MNU_CS_INPUT_FLOAT, MFS_UNCHECKED);
                        SetMenuState(hMenu, LOWORD(wParam), MFS_CHECKED);
                    } break;
    //SetMenuState does exactly what it sounds like. It's a wrapper for the standard SetMenuInfo function
    //I didn't want to spend 5 lines doing that all the time either.
    int SetMenuState(HMENU hMenu, UINT id, UINT state)
        MENUITEMINFO mnuItem; memset(&mnuItem,0,sizeof(mnuItem));
        mnuItem.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);
        mnuItem.fMask = MIIM_STATE;
        mnuItem.fState = state;
        return SetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, id, FALSE, &mnuItem);
    Last edited by Viper187; 03-02-2010 at 03:48 PM.

  2. #2
    train spotter
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    Aug 2001
    near a computer
    Quote Originally Posted by Viper187 View Post
    I've tried giving an ID to a menu popup in my resource file, but it never seems to work.
    Popups don't have a handler as clicking on them only draws the actual popup menu (the user then clicks on one of these items to generate the msg).

    You could try owner draw but this would be lots of work for little reward.

    You could also save the last checked item so next time the user clicks on the menu you could just uncheck the previous item (if any) then check the new selection.

    Quote Originally Posted by Viper187 View Post
    Why can't you use control styles like LVS_EX_GRIDLINES in the damn resource file instead of having to SendMessage LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE them?

    Extended styles are a relatively new addition (if you remember DOS and Win95...)

    To maintain backwards compatibiltity and MS had used up all the bits available with the standard styles.

    (ie when first created MS used a 32 bit variable to hold the style flags.
    MS added more styles.
    Because there are now more than 32 styles MS had to add another 32 bit flag to hold the newer styles.
    MS could not make the original 32 bit flag bigger as that would break all the old code.)
    Last edited by novacain; 03-08-2010 at 12:45 AM.
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