Thread: Find, search, delete

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Find, search, delete

    I'm making a program for my friend's Garry's Mod server that will delete files with certain names in a given directory. I'm not sure as to how I can find file/directory names, and I'm a bit iffy on searching. Plus, up until now I've just been working with Linux.

    How do I get multiple levels (say 3) of contents of a directory, the search for keywords?

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The functions you want to look up (on MSDN probably) are...


    These can find directories and files. Making a recursive function is pretty useful for searching. Scan a directory. When it comes across another directory, call the function again with that directory name. If it's a file, do what you wish.

  3. #3
    train spotter
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    near a computer
    To search for files use FindFirstFile(), FindNextFile() and FindClose() [GetLastError() will help]

    Use a filter on file extension ie "*.txt"

    One call to FindFirstFile() sets up the process. Then keep calling FindNextFile() until an error occurs. You must check for the error 'ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES' to ensure we have found all the files.

    If subfolders are to be searched, I create a recursive function which takes the folder path and file filter.

    You can determine folders from the WIN23_FIND_DATA dwFileAttibutes (contains FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)

    EDIT: Beaten to it..............
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