Good day,

My IDE : vs 2005

My windows forms application inclued one main window and two sub windows. There is a beautiful skin color at the main window; but there is no skin color for the other two windows)

When i right click my "void CMainDlg::OnPaint()" and check "Find All References".
3 match found:
afxms_.h (static_cast< void (AFX_MSG_CALL CWnd::*)(void) > ( &ThisClass :: OnPaint)) },
mainDlg.cpp: void CSECS_AMECDlg::OnPaint();
mainDlg.h: afx_msg void OnPaint(); (protected declared)

My question,
1. does OnPain() Function was called by system thread automaically when my windows forms app load.

2. When i add the OnPain() function for the two sub windows, the OnPain() function won't be called automatically.

Could you tell me more about OnPaint() ......
