Thread: clock

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    Using C++ for window programming , I would like to produce a clock that has following features:
    1. include modal and modaless dialog box, list box, radio button, scroll bar...etc
    2. the clock can be displayed real time (hour, minute, second, year, month, day and weekdays)
    3. the clock can display digital and analogue
    4.timer function likes start, lap, stop control(resolution of 0.1s or more), and up/down count option
    5.alarm function
    6. user-friendly GUI (self-explained)

    My questions are:
    1. Where I can find relevant souce codes that I can use for reference?
    2. what necessary and cool features I can add to my program?
    3. Where I can get the material for the GUI?


    P.S. Forgive me, I am a newbie.

  2. #2
    Registered User Italia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Go read "Programming Windows 5th Edition" by Charles Petzold. Windows programming is one of those subjects that you don't just learn bit-by-bit. Read the book, and there's a whole chapter dedicated to "The Timer" which explains more than enough.

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