Hi everyone!

I wasn't quite sure where to ask a question about building a project, but here goes...

I recently downloaded the demo version of Webots 5.10.0. What this program is or does is irrelevant to my question. What is relevant though is that Webots comes with the source code of an example 'controller' program, which includes a makefile. I need to compile this code in order to see the sample 'controller' in action. How can I compile this source file using Microsoft Visual Studio 2003?

I believe I need to create a Makefile Project, but then what do I do?
In the Property Pages Dialog Box I tried setting the 'Build Command Line' field, but I got error messages when I tried to build the project (I have no idea about makefiles so I'm very sure I did things totally wrong!)...

There is one C code file and one Makefile, and that's it. I attached both files to this post. (I changed the extension of the Makefile to .txt so I could attach it) Note that I have all the headers etc... that are needed as they were automatically installed with Webots, so that is not the issue here.

Here is the contents of 'Makefile' in case the attached .txt version of it opens weirdly (it opens as a single line of text when you use notepad):
# Standard Makefile for a Webots controller
# Author: [email protected]
# Date:   August 29th, 2006.

ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
nullstring :=
space := $(nullstring) # a string containing a single space
WEBOTS_HOME_PATH=$(subst $(space),\ ,$(strip $(subst \,/,$(WEBOTS_HOME))))

include $(WEBOTS_HOME_PATH)/projects/default/controllers/Makefile.include
