
I have two applications and a DLL:

App A -> MFC aplication that load the DLL. I haven't the code of this app
App B -> non-MFC aplication that load the DLL also. I have the code of this app.
DLL -> is one programmed by me. It is a non-MFC DLL. It is a DLL which create a thread and send data to the application at periodic intervals. My problem is that the DLL runs fine with B, but not with A.

For testing purposes, I made a v2 of the DLL that does not create threads, and it works fine with app. A. The conclusion is that having threads in a non-MFC DLL is incompatible with a MFC application.

So the questions are:

- Are there any way to make my non-MFC-thread DLL compatible with a MFC application without the need to migrate the dll to mfc?

- If the only way to make the dll compatible with app A is a migration, has anybody any example of a MFC DLL whitch create a thread? I am a complete blind programmer in MFC.

thanks for yours replys.