Here's my attempt! but doesn't work, freezes at most and no draws solid lines (no rotation)

case WM_PAINT:
                while (cntr++ < 180)
		DrawLine(hdc, ptCenter, SetPOINT(ptCenter, radius), 255, 128, 128);

void DrawLine(HDC hdc, POINT ptCenter, POINT coord, int R, int G, int B)
	HPEN pen, oldPen;

	pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255, 0, 0));	
	oldPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(hdc, pen);				

	MoveToEx(hdc, ptCenter.x,ptCenter.y, NULL);		
	LineTo(hdc, coord.x, coord.y);					

	SelectObject(hdc, oldPen); 				

/* Calculate the line points */
POINT SetPOINT(POINT ptCenter, LONG radius)
	const float Deg2Rad = 0.017453292;
	POINT coord;
	static int angle=0;
	float degInRad;

	degInRad = angle*Deg2Rad	   // Convert degrees to radians
	coord.x = ptCenter.x + (cos(degInRad)*(float)radius); // Finds the adjacent value
	coord.y = ptCenter.x - (sin(degInRad)*(float)radius);	// Finds the hypotenuse value
	angle-=5;            // Prepare for the next line position (clockwise direction)

	return coord;