This is basically a continuation of my old thread about file searching, but since I was completely and utterly wrong on the thought behind it I made a new thread. Old thread is here.

I looked over Elysia's example of looking through the files and every time I get a better understanding of it. I basically copied the example in my own terms in to my program, and now it comes up with a windows error (the "Send Error Report", "Don't Send" dialog box). I've tried eliminating things one at a time to see what the problem is but nothing points in a new direction. Where is my code coming up with this error?

Here is Elysia's...
bool FindFilesInternal(pp<FindFilesInternalStruct> pArgs, pp< vector<CString> > s_vFiles, UINT64& rCurrentCount, UINT64& rTotalCount)
	WIN32_FIND_DATA fDataDirs, fDataFiles;
	HANDLE hFileDirs = NULL, hFileFiles = NULL;

	if (pArgs->strFolder.Right(1) == _T("\\")) pArgs->strFolder.Delete(pArgs->strFolder.GetLength());

	hFileDirs = FindFirstFile(pArgs->strFolder + _T("\\*.*"), &fDataDirs);
	if (hFileDirs == (HANDLE)-1) return false; // Apparently we couldn't search this directory...
	hFileFiles = FindFirstFile(pArgs->strFolder + _T("\\") + pArgs->strPattern, &fDataFiles);
	if (hFileFiles != (HANDLE)-1)
		while (FindNextFile(hFileFiles, &fDataFiles) && GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) // Search for files in local directory
			if (pArgs->pCancel && *pArgs->pCancel) return true;
			if ( !(fDataFiles.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) )
				if (*pArgs->p_bRequest) // Due to thread safety, data has to be requested. Local copies of everything is kept. This avoids expensive locking.
					if (pArgs->p_nCurrentFile) *pArgs->p_nCurrentFile = rCurrentCount;
					if (pArgs->p_strCurrentFile) *pArgs->p_strCurrentFile = pArgs->strFolder + _T("\\") + fDataFiles.cFileName;
					if (pArgs->pTotalFiles) *pArgs->pTotalFiles = rTotalCount;
					*pArgs->p_bRequest = false;
				if (!pArgs->bCount)
					s_vFiles->push_back(pArgs->strFolder + _T("\\") + (CString)fDataFiles.cFileName);

	if (pArgs->bSearchSubFolders)
		while (FindNextFile(hFileDirs, &fDataDirs) && GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) // Search for directories
			if (pArgs->pCancel && *pArgs->pCancel) return true;
			if ((fDataDirs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && _tcscmp(fDataDirs.cFileName, _T(".")) != 0 && _tcscmp(fDataDirs.cFileName, _T("..")) != 0)
				ppnew<FindFilesInternalStruct> pArgs2;
				*pArgs2 = *pArgs;
				pArgs2->strFolder = pArgs->strFolder + _T("\\") + fDataDirs.cFileName;
				FindFilesInternal(pArgs2, s_vFiles, rCurrentCount, rTotalCount);

	return true;
Here is mine... It might look choppy cause I am still learning.

bool Search(SEARCHFILES pArgs, int &fCount, int &dCount, int &total){
    LPSTR lBuffer; //storage for _getdcwd
    LPSTR buffer; //displayed storage for _getdcwd
    LPSTR pbuffer; //storage for parent
    LPSTR fBuffer; //storage for file name to be checked
    WIN32_FIND_DATA Files,Dirs; //structure for handling all the files
    HANDLE hFiles,hDirs; //handles for FindNextFile()
    strcat(fBuffer,pArgs.StartFolder); //set up new folder to search in
    strcat(fBuffer,"\\*.*"); //find all files in new folder
    hFiles = FindFirstFile(fBuffer,&Files); //find the first, associated with files
    hDirs = FindFirstFile(fBuffer,&Dirs); //find the first, associated with directories
    if(hFiles == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; //if the file handle is invalid, return false
    else if(hFiles != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        while(FindNextFile(hFiles,&Files) && GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
            if(Files.dwFileAttributes != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
                fCount++; //increase file count
                //SendMessage(hStatus,SB_SETTEXT,1,(LPARAM)"files searched: &#37;d fCount"); //this might be wrong
                //but it's not the cause of the problem (editted out)
                fBuffer = _getcwd(lBuffer,MAX_PATH); //get current directory
                strcat(fBuffer,Files.cFileName); //get full path for file (NOT USED YET)
                SetDlgItemText(Hwnd,TEST,Files.cFileName); //show the current file
        SetDlgItemText(Hwnd,TEST,"!= INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE");
        return false;
    if(hDirs == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false;
    else if(hDirs != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        while(FindNextFile(hDirs,&Dirs) && GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
            if((Dirs.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)){
                if(!(strcmp(Dirs.cFileName,"..") == 0 || (strcmp(Dirs.cFileName,".") == 0)))
                    SEARCHFILES pArgs2; //create new structure
                    pArgs2 = pArgs; //assign new structure the old structure
                    pbuffer = _getcwd(lBuffer,MAX_PATH); //get the current directory
                    strcat(pbuffer,Dirs.cFileName); //add the new directory to it
                    pArgs2.StartFolder = pbuffer; //assign new directory that is to be search
                    SetDlgItemText(Hwnd,CUR_PATH,pbuffer); //show the new directory
                    Search(pArgs2,fCount,dCount,Total); //recursively call the function again with a new directory
        SetDlgItemText(Hwnd,TEST,"!= INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE");
        return false;
    return true;