Hi, I got a small situation that I just can't figure out

hFile = CreateFile ((LPCWSTR) bla ,                 // this parameter bothers me
                       GENERIC_READ,          // open for reading
This is a win API, the name kinda says it all, and the first parameter is the name of the file and the type as you can see is LPCWSTR, now, in C everything works fine if you simply type in "d:\sdaf\gfasd.txt" or whichever file you want to access, all neat and fine, but in C++ I got in to a whole lota trouble when I did this, the compiler gives me an error

//Error 2 error C2664: 'CreateFileW' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const char [7]' to 'LPCWSTR'

And if I typecast it then I get a bug, cuz the function won't open the file, stating it does not exist.

Then another thing I saw was that an example I was looking used a TCHAR *argv[]
and took argv[1] into the first parameter and everything worked fine, then when I tried to decleare TCHAR *mystring, I used the sprintf_s and again it can't find the file, and belive me on this one, it is there. + the same process when I tried with the LPCWSTR.

I know C++ is pretty tough with typecasting, but sheeshh

Any ideas, solutions would be great, thanks.

PS: anything unclear?? just say (cuz I'm lousy at explaining things)